Healing Touch Pet Hospital

Call us today:
+91 9530910564
Open Hours:
Mon – Sun 9am – 8pm
Tue: Off (On call Service Available)
Call us today: 9530910564
Open Hours: Mon-Sun 9am-8pm
Tue-Off(On call service available)

We Provide

1. General Health Checkup

A general health check-up plays a pivotal role in building the relationship between the pet parent, pet, and the veterinarian, which will help the pawed friend enjoy a long and healthy life.

2. Internal medicine

The Internal Medicine Service offers advanced diagnostic techniques including a wide range of minimally-invasive procedures. A collaborative working environment brings together the talent of a diverse group of veterinary specialty services including Anesthesiology, Oncology, Soft Tissue Surgery, Cardiology, Neurology, Imaging, and Clinical Nutrition to provide comprehensive veterinary care.

2. Internal medicine

The Internal Medicine Service offers advanced diagnostic techniques including a wide range of minimally-invasive procedures. A collaborative working environment brings together the talent of a diverse group of veterinary specialty services including Anesthesiology, Oncology, Soft Tissue Surgery, Cardiology, Neurology, Imaging, and Clinical Nutrition to provide comprehensive veterinary care.

3. Vaccination and De-worming

Our hospital follows international vaccination schedules for all kind of pets. Since prevention is better than cure so as a pet parent you must know about their immunizations since they form an important part for their health and lifespan.

4. General Surgery

A surgical service may be part of the routine or emergency care you provide to your pet. General surgery can improve the health of a pet and reduce morbidity rates in the case of a serious illness or injury.

5. Pet shop

A pet store especially for you with everything you need.

6. Pet holiday home

we provide best care in our boarding when you are away from your fur baby . They are under over observation 24 hours

7. Pet spa- grooming and bathing

Grooming is an intense requirement for every pet. Some take care of themselves but to many, you need to pay attention. We provide special grooming facility- medicated wash, shampoo blow dry and hair trimmings with more add-on facilities

8. Operation theater

Our operating theatre is a strictly controlled aseptic room, fully equipped with some of the most advanced anaesthetic and monitoring equipment currently available. We have set rigorous standards for our theatre practices, and all operations are carried out by a surgeon wearing appropriate theatre suits, hat, mask, gloves and theatre only shoes.

9. Blood test and diagnostic

Blood or lab tests allow us to obtain information about your pet’s health that can only be found from collecting a sample of blood and having it analyzed. This includes a CBC (complete blood count) and blood chemistries, which analyze chemical components in the blood.

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